Treat Yo' Self Like You Treat Your Valentine: A Guide to Self-Love Without the Selfies

Do you buy overpriced roses, hand-made truffles, and pink stuffed bears with heart-shaped hats for others but would never think about frivolously spending any money on yourself?

Have you ever booked a spa day for your bestie but haven't seen a bubble bath since you were a kid?

Or are you a champion at listening to your partner's woes but haven't given your own inner voice a hug in months?

We've all been there, stuck in the loop of pouring our attention into everyone else while our own well-being gathers dust bunnies.

Valentine’s Day Newsflash: you're just as deserving of love, care, and attention as anyone else on this planet.

We often treat ourselves like that random Valentine’s Day gift we got from a co-worker. The one we keep tucked away in the back of the closet – forgotten, neglected, and slightly questionable.

But, just like that odd gift, we're full of awesome potential waiting to be dusted off, loved, and re-purposed.

So, how do we do this?

Step 1: Listen to Your Inner Child

Tap into that kid who still loves finger paints and bubble wrap. Remember those days when a good tickle session and a bowl of ice cream could solve all your problems? Yeah, tap into that.

Do that thing that makes you giggle, even if it's watching cat videos or building a pillow fort. Unleash your inner dork and embrace the joy of pure fun.

For me, this is going for a run in the rain. It feels like childish freedom. Wet shoes and all.

Step 2: Ditch the Guilt Trip, My Friend

Did you finally take a nap and then feel like a sloth who had abandoned its responsibilities? You're not a sloth, you're a human who needs rest!

Prioritize your well-being, whether it's saying "no" to that extra work project or unapologetically taking a mental health day. You're not a machine, you're a masterpiece in the making, and masterpieces need downtime.

After a focus session where I’ve knocked out some big tasks I’ll take a 15 minute break to watch some stand up comedy videos, or if it's a nice day, go take a quick nap in the Carolina Blue sunshine.

Step 3: Befriend Your Imperfections

We all have them, the quirks and wobbly bits that make us uniquely us. Instead of trying to Photoshop them out of existence, let's celebrate them!

That mole on your nose? It's so you!

Those awkward dance moves? I’ve got them, too!

They're a symphony of self-expression. Embrace your weirdness, because it's what makes you, well, you.

I’d much rather be known (and remembered) for being a little weird than known (and probably forgotten) for being “normal.”

Step 4: Be Your Own Hype Squad

We're all too good at pointing out our flaws, but when was the last time you gave yourself a high five for nailing that presentation or surviving a family reunion without a meltdown?

Be your own cheerleader, celebrate your victories (big and small), and remind yourself that you're freaking awesome.

I journal just about every day and will write down things that I’m particularly proud of for myself or enjoyed: 5 mile run in the rain — yes!

And Remember…

Self-love isn't about becoming a self-obsessed narcissistic pig head, it's about treating yourself with the same kindness, compassion, and respect you show others.

It's about realizing that you're not just a supporting character in someone else's story, you're the Oscar Award Winning Star of your own epic adventure.

Be kind to yourself and watch how the world around you starts to shine a whole lot brighter.

Now, go out there and treat yo’ self to a special Valentine’s Day. 🥰