Brenton Weathers

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Letting Fridays Be Fridays: The Art of Embracing the Weekend

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Letting Fridays Be Fridays (audio) Brenton Weathers

Let's face it, we've all experienced that heart-pounding, giddy feeling as the clock strikes the magical hour on Friday.

That sense of liberation, a whole weekend spread out before us like a blank canvas waiting for a splash of adventure, relaxation, or maybe just a seriously long nap.

But why is Friday so darn special?

Well, besides from being the gateway to our hard-earned downtime, there's something deeper at play.

Rest, my friend, is not a luxury – it’s a necessity for our human well-being.

It's even a spiritual principle, with that whole "Six days you shall labor and on the seventh day you shall rest" wisdom we get from Judaism and Christianity.

Now, you might be thinking, "Hold on a second, if I'm always daydreaming about Friday, maybe it means I hate my job?"

And yeah, there's a sliver of truth in that. If you're practically doing a countdown dance from Monday morning to Friday afternoon, it's worth considering whether your work truly aligns with your passions and skills (see this blog post from me on that issue).

But what I'm talking about here is different. It's about respecting the rhythm of work and rest.

If you've diligently done your thing all week, then heck yeah, you deserve to let loose (responsibly, of course) come Friday. There's no shame in craving a break.

Think of it like this: Even the legendary Baptist preacher from the 1800’s Charles Spurgeon, who could out-sermon a whole congregation in a single day, knew the importance of taking a breather.

He famously said, “Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength. It is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.”

So, how do we truly maximize that precious Friday feeling? Here are a few ideas:

  • Leave work at work (as best you can): Easier said than done, I know, but try to establish boundaries. Close the laptop, silence those work notifications, and mentally step away from your to-do list. I do tend to work quite a lot (I love what I do) and it’s hard to shut down. But shutting down is necessary for my well-being. And it’s necessary for yours also.

  • Indulge in some guilt-free pleasures: Binge that cheesy nacho dip, order a pizza the size of your appetite, soak in a bubble bath...whatever makes you feel good without breaking the bank or your health.

  • Unplug a little: Ditch your screens, and spend some real quality time with friends, family, or even just yourself.

  • Plan something, even if it's small: A movie night, a hike, catching up with a friend over coffee, watching the sunrise or set, going out to listen to some live music (one of my favorite pleasures). Plan it so that you can anticipate it. Anticipation is half the fun!

Embrace the fact that Fridays are meant to be a little different. They're a chance to unwind, recharge, and remember why we work so hard in the first place.

So go ahead, let Friday be Friday. You've earned it. 🙂

*This blog post idea comes from my friend and business colleague Bishop Francisco (actual name, not a religious title). She’s the awesome marketing guru at Localish Marketing (check out her stuff at Localish Facebook and Localish Website).

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